What to grow in May- Temperate Climate

When I first started growing from my home in Melbourne one of the hardest things I found was that I couldn't find a good guide on what to grow and plant each month. I also found that some garden supply stores would stock vegetables that were not in season which would lead to unsuccessful growth, confusing me further! So I started to make my own lists. These lists helped me to plan my garden, know what to buy and generally make me feel more in control and confident with growing food from home.

Now I'm going to share these lists with you in a much prettier format than my handwritten scribbles in my garden notebook! 


What Vegetables to grow in May in Melbourne temperate climate


There are many other things that you can grow in May but I have shared what I like to grow in May. I also have previously sown broccoli, cauliflower and beetroot in May but I didn't include them here as I have them on my April growing list!... But you can still plant them in May with growing success. 

Some veggies prefer to be sown directly as a seed, others as a seedling or some veggies are pretty cruisy and don't mind either way!

Any of the vegetables can be bought as seedlings and planted directly if you don't want to try sowing with seeds. Seedlings are helpful if you want veggies sooner but growing from seed is more economical and sustainable.


What to sow directly from seed into growing position:

Carrots (can be planted as a seedling but don't transplant well so I always sow direct)

Peas (I always plant mine directly but can be sown into punnets first or bought as a seedling and I recommend to soak overnight in water prior to sowing)

Broad Beans (I always plant mine directly after soaking in water overnight but can be sown into punnets first)

Beetroot (I always plant mine directly after soaking in water overnight but can be sown into punnets first)

Radish (Very successful planted directly. However, it can be sown into punnets first)

Lettuce (I always plant by lettuce directly. However, it can be sown into punnets first)

Rocket (I always plant by rocket directly. However, it can be sown into punnets first)

Onion (I always plant by onion directly. However, it can be sown into punnets first)

Spinach (I always plant by spinach directly. However, it can be sown into punnets first)

Pak Choi (I always plant by pak choi directly. However, it can be sown into punnets first)



What to sow in punnets or seed trays:

Leeks (easy to grow from seed but prefer to be planted as a seedling rather than sown directly)

Spring Onion (I sow into punnets first and then plant out as seedlings)

Parsley (Can easily be sown direct early in Autumn but in May, I'd recommend sowing in punnets first and plant out as a seedling)

Celery (Best to be sown into punnets and then planted as a seedling)

Broccoli (Best to be sown into punnets and then planted as a seedling)

Cauliflower (Best to be sown into punnets and then planted as a seedling)

What to plant as a seedling in May: 

You can plant any of the vegetables as seedlings if you wish. However, Mint is the only one on my list that I would recommend to plant only as a seedling and not try to grow from seed in May. You can grow mint from seeds in Spring. 

I love to hear from all of my readers! So if you have any other food to grow suggestions for May, please comment below.

And make sure to check back in June for my 'What to grow in June' list or subscribe to get notified of the new post.

Happy Gardening Everyone,

Ingrid x

gardening with ingrid


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