Creating a vegetable garden from home while renting

I’ve heard so many people say “I’d love to grow veggies and fruit but I’m renting". Just because you are renting doesn’t mean you can’t grow veggies-you can! I rented for many years before owning my own home and I always had a productive garden and with these tips and ideas you can too!

Summer vegetable harvest
Picture: Gardening with Ingrid

Pots and Containers 

When renting you want something portable so you can take it with you. Plant in attractive pots that have handles so they are easier to move. Check your local second hand shop for old tin containers and watering cans that are an attractive and rustic way to pot your plants and vegetables. You also can now get many beautiful looking pots and containers that are light weight and durable. Look for fibreglass and reusable, decorative plastic pots. These are also ideal for planting on decks and balconies where weight is a consideration. 

Lettuce and strawberries in container
Picture: Gardening with Ingrid

Choice of Plants and Position 

If you are after an edible garden whilst renting it can be done. First you need think about the position you want to place the plant in. Does it receive enough light? North facing is best for an edible garden. Westerly facing may be too hot in summer but can be resolved with a shade cloth or umbrella on the hot days for protection. South facing areas or too much shade will require you to choose edible plants that grow well in the shade such as root vegetables and leafy greens. Purchase dwarf varieties of fruit trees that can easily grow in pots, whilst remaining small. Some fruits will do well being grown indoors with enough light such as a fig tree. 

dwarf lemon tree
Picture: Gardening with Ingrid

 Use your window sills

Window sills in any room can be used to grow plants. Lettuce and herbs can be easily grown inside on a window sill and can be an attractive addition to a home. Many edible plants require 4-6 hours of sunlight to grow, so if your window sill does not receive much light or is on the south side consider growing herbs such as mint that can grow in the shade. When I rented I loved being able to pick lettuce and herbs fresh inside for cooking, saving me money and making my home look beautiful.

lettuce and herbs windowsill
Picture: Gardening with Ingrid

Talk to your landlord

If you renting somewhere that has a garden, speak to your landlord about adding raised beds or growing veggies in the garden. Many landlords will be very open to planting veggies in the garden. If they are not however, look at growing your veggies in pots, portable raised beds or portable vertical gardens. These can all be found at many garden centres.

raised vegetable bedsPicture: Gardening with Ingrid

I love to hear from all of my readers! So if you have had any experience with renting and growing food, please comment below!

Happy Gardening Everyone,

Ingrid x

gardening with ingrid

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